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Herbal Tea

Cannabis Tea - The Simple Method

Cannabis Tea – Simple Recipe


Yield: About 4 cups of tea | Prep time:  35 Minutes | Cook time: 10 Minutes | Total Time: 45 Minutes


Household ingredients needed:

  • 1 gram of decarboxylated cannabis (see our blog post here for decarboxylation methods)

  • 1 tbsp of coconut oil or unsalted butter

  • 4 cups of water



Tools needed for tea-making process:

  • A teabag of your choice

  • Your preferred sweetener

  • A strainer, coffee filter, or cheesecloth

  • A teapot, mug, and spoon


 Cannabis obviously has different impacts on different people, you will generally begin to feel the effects of cannabis tea in 30-90 minutes, depending on the cannabis strain, whether or not you have eaten recently, and your individual endocannabinoid system. Cannabis tea has to pass through your digestive system before it reaches the bloodstream. After that, it gets metabolized in the liver, so start slow and have another cup about two hours after your first if you feel like you need more. The key to enjoying cannabis tea is not to consume too much, too quickly. You will generally feel the effects of cannabis for 7 to 8 hours after consumption.



Prep work (Decarboxylation process):

  • Fill a medium saucepan about halfway with water, then set the immersion circulator to 200°F.

  • Using your grinder, reduce the cannabis buds into small pieces and place them in the vacuum-sealable bag.

  • Add three tablespoons of distilled water, and seal bag completely using the vacuum sealer.

  • Once the temperature reaches 200°F, place the sealed bag into the water for 30 minutes, the bag should be rotated every few minutes to ensure that the cannabis remains submerged.

  • After 30 minutes, remove the bag from the heated water and immediately place in a bowl of ice water to preserve the terpenes by stopping the cooking process. Allow 10 minutes for cooling in ice water.



Cooking Phase:

  • Boil the water on a stovetop and add the coconut oil or butter, stirring vigorously until it dissolves.

  • Add the teabag and your cannabis, lower the flame, and continue simmering for 7-10 minutes. Keep stirring every minute or so. A lower temperature will help preserve the medicinal properties of the plant.


  • Remove the teapot from the stove, discard the teabag, and strain the tea slowly and carefully. If you prefer to use a metal strainer, make sure it’s a very fine one, or you’ll have bits of leaves in your mug. Discard any excess plant matter.


Flavoring your tea:

  • Sweeten your tea to taste and add milk or lemon as you prefer. You can also opt to add a cinnamon stick or a spring of peppermint to the hot tea to mask the characteristic weed flavor.


Additional note:


You can make cannabis tea even more easily if you have cannabis-infused butter (cannabutter), oil, or honey, or a cannabis tincture. (see our recipes for how to make cannabutter here and cannabis-infused oil here).


Simply steep the cannabis extract (butter or oil) in hot water with a teabag of your choice, mix thoroughly, add your preferred sweetener, and enjoy.

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